The Passion Play of Oberammergau, Germany RESCHEDULED FOR 2022

with the highest priority for the health of guests and participants the organizers of the district of Gamish-Partenkirchen has rescheduled this event to 2022.
Nestled at the bottom of the Bavarian Alps is the beautiful and quaint village of Oberammergau, Germany. In 1633 the village was ravaged with plague.The villagers prayed that if God spared them from this plague they would present a play in gratitude every ten years devoted to the life and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As the story goes right after this promise was made the death rate declined sharply and the village was saved.
The villagers kept their promise and staged the first Passion Play at Pentecost in 1634. Since then, generations of Oberammergau natives have kept their pledge over the centuries, and the Passion Play has been staged with very few interruptions every ten years. It is a unique production and highly recommended.
The premier is scheduled for May 21, 2022. There are approximately 120 performances from May 21, 2022 through the final season performance in October.
My first visit to Oberammergau was in 2010. Unfortunately my group was there before the premier that year. I recently re-visited this beautiful village on an advance trip to learn about the 2020 preparations. It was an opportunity to personally hear again from villagers why the Passion Play is part of their life. Why it is important to them to continue their thankfulness through acts of gratitude by giving of their time to prepare for the Passion Play every ten years. Only residents of the village who have lived in the village for more than 20 years can participate, except for the children, who begin at an early age.
Travel to Amazing Places offers various vacation packages which include the opportunity to visit select countries including Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Holy Land, and more. Packages include airfare, first class hotels, transfers, daily breakfast and dinner, deluxe motor coaches, escorted sightseeing, English speaking guides, and tickets to the Passion Play.
Barbara Rivera
Travel to Amazing Places
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